Minister of economics of Lower Saxony, Dr Bernd Althusmann, visits VANEVO!


We are glad to be able to welcome the minister of economics of Lower Saxony, Dr Bernd Althusmann, to our premises in Oldenburg. During his summer journey he wished to get in touch with actors of Oldenburgs's startup scene and chose VANEVO as the start-up he wanted to visit. During his stay VANEVO explained the principle of redox flow batteries, showed the latest prototype in operation and highlighted the necessity of storage devices for future decarbonized electricity systems. Dr Matthias Lange (energy meteo systems) as a representative of a former start-up as well as Jürgen Bath (Technologie- und Gründerzentrum) as an infrastructure provider for founders and start-ups participated in the visit and highlighted the successes of Oldenburg's start-up scene.